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Monday, February 14, 2011

Menu Monday -- for real! :-)

Sorry for missing the last couple of weeks with Menu Mondays.  It's been tough!  Can I blame it on prego hormones?  I can't seem to make a decision about food!  Nothing sounds good, so making decisions about what to cook has been like pulling teeth...as a result, I've just waited and avoided making those decisions til the last minute.  Not good!  There's a lot of stress there that I just don't need.  So, I'm making this list up as I go, but at least it will be ready this week!

May y'all have a lovely week, and a Happy Valentine's Day to each of you!

  • Cinnamon Raisin Biscuits
  • Burritos
  • Take Out with my Honey!  :-)
  • Oatmeal
  • Burritos
  • Twice Baked Potatoes
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies
  • Leftovers
  • Grilled Hamburgers & Roasted Potatoes
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies
  • Out with my sisters!  :-)
  • Spaghetti & Artisan Breadsticks
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies
  • Leftovers
  • Homemade Calzones
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Breakfast Cookies
  • Pancakes
  • BBQ Grilled Chicken & Grilled Veggies
  • Oatmeal
  • Leftovers
  • Hmmm....
Well, looking back at the menu for the week, I realize a couple of things --
  • I need to make bread dough
  • I need to make yogurt.  (I'll be doing another post for yogurt.  My Daddy tweaked the recipe that I've been using, and I like it even better!  He rocks!!!)
  • I need EGGS!  As I've told you before, when they go on sale for $1 a dozen, I buy about a half dozen dozen eggs.  We finished all our eggs yesterday.  Unbelievable!  I'm hoping to find eggs close to $1 a dozen...it's a bit of a challenge when everything is going up.  I want my own laying chickens!!!!!
  • I need grillable veggies.
  • I need to figure out what the heck to have for dinner Sunday evening!  :-)


  1. And that you must REALLY like chocolate peanut butter breakfast cookies! It's on that list several days! LOL :)

  2. Hi Charity -- I do really like the chocolate peanut butter breakfast cookie, but it's on the menu that many days because that's how many cookies it makes. :-) I make up a whole batch at a time and then it lasts 4-5 days.
