I am loving making my own yogurt! In making it these last few times, I have discovered just a couple of things that make it closer to "right" for me. I like my yogurt thick...if I could have it sliceable, more like flan, I probably would go that route. In making it according to the everyday yogurt directions, it was just too thin for me.
So...the last time I made yogurt it got left to sit about 24 hours instead of overnight. It was the holidays, and things were crazy. It happens. When I pulled the lid off my crock pot, though, it was looking closer to "right" for me! Glossy, smoother, thicker -- these were things I could get used to! I didn't even strain it, and it was pretty good! In doing more research, I found that one of the suggestions for thicker yogurt was to add dry milk powder to your milk.
Hubby & I cleaned out and re-organized our pantry in the kitchen over the holidays (Thank you, Love!!!!) and I found some dry milk packets that I had forgotten about. When I put my yogurt together Sunday, I added a non-fat packet, enough to make a quart of milk, to my two quarts of milk (1 quart skim, 1 quart whole) in the crock pot. (Side note -- there was no skin on the milk when I went to add the yogurt this time! I think that they dry milk took care of that for me. Yippee!) Normally, I would have let it sit til yesterday morning, but since I'd had such success with it sitting 24 hours instead, I left it, intending to put it in the fridge before bed last night.
Have I mentioned that this child that I'm carrying has eaten my brain, and that I used to be intelligent and remember things?
I forgot to put the yogurt in the fridge last night...and didn't remember until 6:15 this morning.
Joy. Bliss. Wondrous rapture. STINK. When I timidly removed the crock pot lid, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but beautiful, fragrant yogurt! I think it's the best batch so far. I know it's the best batch this year! :-)
Apparently, the longer it sits, the tangier it gets. Good thing I like tangy yogurt.
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